The PR Net 100, 2024: Hello Human

Hello Human is a trailblazing team dedicated to empowering small-scale creative businesses. By unlocking premium public relations services for this group at accessible rates, Hello Human bridges the gap for independent creatives who traditionally lacked such resources. This summer, Hello Human helped orchestrate the inaugural “LA Design Weekend,” exemplifying their community-first ethos. As founding members, the agency mobilized their network to showcase LA's creative talent to thousands of design enthusiasts and key media. Over the past two years, Hello Human's growth reflects the agency’s strong industry reputation, proven results, and innovative model that makes PR accessible to an underserved market.

Leadership team: 

Jenny Nguyen, Founder

Describe the key tenets of your agency's mission and ethos.

“We care deeply about equality. For each Hello Human marketing initiative, equality is a core focus. We harness our skills and the power of PR to drive conversation about the state of equality in the design industry. For example, our curated Milan Design Week show THIS IS AMERICA, which highlighted 15 diverse design talents to shake up the perception of what American design looks like, was published in over 50 top media outlets. Additionally, our anti-racism campaign #RacismIsNotADesignMotif forced the industry-wide conversation about racism in the design world and media accountability was covered in countless top tier design media publications.”

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