The PR Net 100, 2022: Segal Communications

Segal Communications has had a busy year to date, navigating over 10 new clients and projects with its boutique-sized staff of seven full time team members. This 130-percent year-over-year growth can, to some degree, be attributed to the new practice areas Sarah Segal’s agency is now offering, including influencer marketing, social media strategy and management and content development (across written copy and video). In addition to serving clients in its home-base cities of San Francisco, Denver and Washington D.C, the nimble team works with brands from all over; Segal Communications was brought on by London-based artisan food maker Pots & Co to support its US expansion.

Leadership team:

Sarah Segal, Partner

Sarah Mowad, Operations Manager

Notable long-term clients:

Shane Co., Johnny Doughnuts, Haymax Hotels, Pots & Co, Ocelot Market, Relay, Dr. Stephen Quake

New client wins:

Woolloomooloo, Moosewood, SpotOn, Frontline, Priya Clemens, Advancing Earth and Space Science (AGU)

How are you innovating and moving the industry forward?

“By diversifying our range of services beyond traditional media relations and implementing the use of software platforms that empower us with the latest technology, we make innovation central in our day-to-day operations. PR has come a long way since the days when print was king and getting on the phone with reporters was the norm. The world has shifted in favor of the virtual, and PR is no exception. To Segal, innovating and moving the industry forward is all about adapting to new norms and coming up with creative ways to use them to our advantage. We focus primarily on earning digital coverage for our clients, and offer them our expertise on matters of the digital beyond an initial placement. We believe it’s important to evaluate the significance of a placement on a holistic level – how will this placement affect our client’s SEO value? Can we incorporate affiliate links in order to benefit both the content creator and the client? As the digital world continues to develop, we make sure our processes and expertise progress to keep pace.”

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