The PR Net 100: Elle Communications

Elle Communications

Danielle Finck founded conscious comms agency Elle Communications to support mission-centered brands, nonprofit organizations, CSR teams and leaders aiming to make the world a better place. One such example: in celebration of Black History Month, Elle launched a partnership between Etsy and Nest to launch individual Etsy shops for the Gee’s Bend quilters. Also, during the first few months of the Covid-19 pandemic, they helped longtime client Akola quickly pivotto offer bead kits for at-home jewelry, quickly becoming a celeb and consumer favorite. The team also successfully launched Dr. Edith Eger's second book, The Gift, during an incredibly noisy and complex time in the media, creating important conversations.

Notable long-term clients

It's On Us, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Michael Tubbs, National Voter Registration Day, Maria Shriver's Women's Alzheimer's Movement, Justin Baldoni's Carnival of Love, National Immigration Law Center, Akola, Cleobella

Recent client wins

Seed, MomsRising, Swehl, Alltruists

Is there a big industry trend you’re backing in terms of your agency offering, and why do you think this area will continue to grow and influence the PR practice? 

At Elle, we have been committed to telling the stories of organizations and individuals making the world a better place for more than 13 years now. At the time, many people doubted whether you could have an agency focused exclusively on social and environmental impact, but years later it's a practice we are seeing adopted inside many other agencies. It's exciting for us to see the media and communications landscape move in this direction, which demonstrates the consumer demand for greater transparency, a growth in understanding of the power of our time, money, and resources, and also a wider belief that we all have the ability to push the world forward in positive ways. We continue to be committed to our discerning partnerships with best-in-class organizations focused on efforts to improve our precious planet and the people who live here alongside us.


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