Freelancer Spotlight: Elyse Koenig

Meet Elyse Koenig, an LA-based consultant with clients across beauty, health and wellness. Elyse got a taste of all the industry angles before going out on her own, from the NYC agency scene to working in-house for a cosmetics brand. It’s a combination of these experiences that prepared – and empowered – her to go solo, and today it pays off in the form of incredible clients and meaningful work.

Where are you currently - and usually - based?

I’m currently (and usually) based in Los Angeles, CA. 

What are your specialty practice areas?

I specialize in beauty, health, and wellness, with clients ranging from cosmetics and sustainable skincare to breast health specialists.

Tell us about your career background before becoming a freelance consultant.

I kicked off my career at big agencies in NYC, including LaForce & Stevens and Alison Brod. I started coming out to Los Angeles when I was on the L’Oréal Paris account at ABPR (now ABMC) and was handling their celebrity and philanthropy initiatives. I fell in love with LA, especially the weather!, and made the move. I was then in-house at Too Faced Cosmetics overseeing global agencies in London, Paris, Singapore, etc. My last full-time job was developing the beauty and wellness division at a bicoastal fashion agency. It’s this variety of experiences that helped prepare me for consulting and building my own team. A mix of top-tier agencies in New York, in-house with a powerhouse cosmetics brand, and signing new business at my last agency all allowed me to get a taste for every aspect of PR. I’ve been able to pick and choose what I like most about each of them and incorporate that into my business.   

What are some of your current projects/clients?

I work with some amazing brands – it’s hard not to deep dive into all of them here! One of my clients is GUIDE BEAUTY, a collection of makeup tools and products that reimagine the way we apply makeup. I met the founder two years ago for coffee and we just clicked. She was a celebrity makeup artist and education director with major players like Smashbox and Dior. She developed Parkinson’s a few years ago, and instead of letting it hold her back, she reinvented how we apply makeup with unique, patented tools that work for everybody. GUIDE has been winning all of the beauty awards and editors have fallen in love with the founder just as I have. I’m incredibly proud to be sharing their message of inclusivity in the beauty industry.

What are your favorite aspects of freelance life - and least favorite?

My favorite aspects are autonomy and the ability to work whenever and wherever I want. My least favorite is that truthfully, I’ve never worked harder or more, and while I could go anywhere, I've almost always worked from my West Hollywood home office for five years! But knowing that I’m building something and that this is my baby gives me that extra energy boost. 

Who would be a dream client?

To me, a dream client is someone who trusts me, believes in my expertise, and has a true passion for their brand. I’ve gotten really good at finding the right fit over the years – I genuinely like my clients. I would happily go out for drinks with any of them, even if we weren’t working together. I also always attempt to sign clients who are mission-driven and who want to make a difference in the world. Brands and founders with heart who aren’t just trying to sell products, but to better people’s lives. That allows us to see the bigger picture together if times ever get tough. 

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