Being an Ally Starts in How We Examine Our Role in Our Industry

What an extraordinary time to be a public relations and marketing practitioner. With the current climate of the country stemming from a series of gut-wrenching police brutality racial incidents in the midst of a pandemic, providing thoughtful and honest counsel for our internal and external clients and leadership is paramount.

Written by Iman A. Jefferson, Head of East Region Communications for Buick, GMC & Cadillac, General Motors

Over the past week, I’ve seen brands and influencers offer to serve up the role of ally. And while reposting a powerful quote or a black square in solidarity is nice, the only way we can get to real change is through meaningful action, examination and conversation. Part of it starts with how we do our jobs and impact how our field evolves.

As a Black millennial-aged woman who has worked in both big and small public relations agencies as well as Fortune 100 corporations in various communication capacities, it has always been my goal to ensure my voice and perspective is heard.

I’ve captured some thought-starters that can help begin those conversations:

While what’s happening currently in our country is systemic, and there is no simple solution, we have the opportunity to impact what messages and values we want to amplify are being done with empathy, authenticity and inclusivity.

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