In a heartfelt tribute, A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical celebrated the life of producer Vanessa Williams' late mother, Helen Williams, with a traditional New Orleans-style Second Line parade. In honor of Helen's enduring legacy, 150 music school students were also invited to attend the performance, making the evening even more special.
Prominent figures from the entertainment industry, including Michael Urie, Bevy Smith, Deborah Roberts, Brian Stokes Mitchell, June Ambrose and A Wonderful World producers Tonya Lewis Lee, Mathew and Gena Avery Knowles, and Les Coney were present to show their support for Vanessa Williams and the entire cast and crew of A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical.
A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical is playing at Studio 54 (254 West 54th Street). Tickets are available at
Image credit: Bruce Glikas