First Take on TikTok Notes

It’s still very early days for TikTok Notes, and many marcomms pros are approaching this with a little more skepticism, thanks to the quick fizzle of the Instagram Threads hype. Still, it’s worth learning what this new feature does, how it can benefit brands and creators, and what the pros and cons look like right now. Read on for SEEN Connects head of brand marketing Lucy Robertson's first take on TikTok Notes. 

How do you foresee TikTok Notes impacting social media and creator marketing strategies, and what unique opportunities does it offer for brands and creators?

Instagram and TikTok have long been copying one another’s homework, and TikTok Notes is just the latest move here. The interface looks somewhat like a mix of a Pinterest homepage and Instagram’s feed, and interestingly, seems to be targeted at offering helpful, useful hints and tips (there’s a “discover useful notes” tagline) vs. the overly aspirational, curated content we’re used to seeing on Instagram.

Based on this, we’re predicting that rather than being a space for creators and brands to show more of a “behind the scenes” view of themselves – whether that’s a styling tip they’ve accidentally discovered, their new favorite coffee shop or even a cooking hack. TikTok Notes allows users to give their images both a headline and a caption, which means that the end result almost reads like a personalized, online magazine – fully encapsulating that individual’s brand. 

What recommendations do you have for brands aiming to effectively utilize TikTok Notes as part of their influencer marketing campaigns, considering its ephemeral nature and potential for engagement?

Like any new platform build: if it doesn’t make sense for your overall marketing strategy, or you don’t have resource internally to run it, don’t bite off more than you can chew and stick to doing fewer platforms, but with a more consistent output. If you do have capacity to dabble in TikTok notes, take note of this “BTS” style of content and use it to share everything from a sneak peek at an upcoming shoot to drive intrigue, or a view of the handbag beauty essentials you’re carrying that day.

Given how SEO-driven TikTok is, we wouldn’t be surprised if capturing keywords here would be integral to driving overall engagement, so make sure your caption clearly explains your post – with a 4000 character cap (almost double Instagram’s 2200) there’s certainly room for clever copy. 

Milan Design Week 2024: The Digital Download

Another Milan Design Week has come and gone, informing the design world on what’s top of mind for the industry right now – and giving brands an opportunity to create major buzz, if done right. A new report by Karla Otto and Lefty explores the digital impact of Milan Design Week, and how brands can best create interest online. Read a few takeaways below, and click here to download the full report. 

Karla Otto x Lefty

Salone del Mobile, which anchors Milan Design Week, is the design world’s biggest moment of the year, with a buzz that spills out into the streets of Milan’s ‘FuoriSalone’, the peripheral fanfare to the main event. The week’s democratic access has emblazoned Milan Design Week as one of the hottest moments on the cultural calendar. This year, it generated $21.1M EMV (Earned Media Value), according to Lefty data. What were the key strategies employed by brands to drive noise online?

The event’s industry prestige and significant international footfall (65.6% of the fair’s visitors were from overseas) bring with it a buzz that spills out into the streets of Milan’s ‘FuoriSalone’, the peripheral fanfare to the main event. The week’s democratic access has emblazoned Milan Design Week as one of the hottest moments on the cultural calendar. Awash with activity and consumers, Salone as an entity has become a hotbed for brand activations that now branch further than the design world alone, each with the mission to grab a slice of the $4.3 trillion lifestyle sector.

How Design Moves in the Digital Age


Ostensibly the main focus, design brands from around the world capitalised on the outsize interest focused on Milan during Salone del Mobile to showcase their latest offerings, set trends, and charter the course for the industry’s future. Whether at the industry-centric Fiera trade fair or the more public FuoriSalone events, brands strategically aimed to make waves and reach diverse audiences. This season, design reigned supreme, commanding a significant 46% of share of voice online, totalling $13.5 million in Earned Media Value (EMV).


Amidst the scene, Milan Design Week finds itself in a crowded calendar. As throngs of visitors descend, smartphones at the ready, the event has transformed into a digital playground. With Instagram emerging as the go-to platform for event highlights, brands are employing a variety of strategies to stand out amidst the noise.

Design & the Influencer Opportunity


With design week a public affair, the impact of influence becomes more diverse in comparison to events such as Fashion Week. Although influence exists in the world of design, it is more discreet, and often industry orientated. In fact, ‘influencers’ by category generated just 6% of the share of voice, however, design brands that did work with influencers and celebrities — such as Molteni&C — saw a significant uptick in digital presence.


With less influencer heavyweights on the ground than in fashion season, Design Week’s most impactful profiles give an insight into personalities creating organic influence for brands. For instance, @daysofmilan, a British content creator living in the city, generated a staggering $122K across her coverage with a 19% engagement rate, making her the 5th most impactful profile of the week. Likewise, @ basilgreenpencil, a digital design creator, garnered $82K EMV for multiple brands. These profiles present brands with an opportunity to align with creators who show clear design interests, topped with a highly engaged audience.

The Media Make Design Week Their Own


As crowds pour into Milan, audiences turn to design publications to guide their visit and help curate the standout exhibitions amongst a bevy of options across the city. Design media continue to be a reputable source of information and a power-house in the digital circuit. This year, media titles generated $4M EMV— 19% of the week’s total share of voice across socials. A steady increase in EMV after the Monday of Salone, when press previews occur, shows media’s ability to drive conversation.


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